Qué Pasa?

Information and Happenings on the Planet of Nogales

Qué Pasa? Nogales News and Information


Meaning “what’s up?” in Spanish, this page is our official news feed. Here you will find details about local places of interest, images, events and whatever other information may be of interest to those who are considering a visit to Nogales.

For Nogales international border news stories, click here.

Featured articles include information about the dental tourism industry in Nogales, Mexico and how you can find a competent Nogales dental professional, information about Nogales pharmacies and what you need to know if you are planning a trip to Nogales to buy medications, traveler safety warnings about visiting both sides of the border in Ambos Nogales, information about places of interest to visit on both sides of the border and other general news stories and opinion of interest to the Nogales traveler.

We hope that you enjoy reading these posts, and that they provide helpful information to assist in your Nogales travel planning.

And as always, if you have a specific question, please contact us.

Thank you for visiting Planet Nogales, an independent Nogales web page!

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Tucson Foodie Enjoys Weekend in Nogales, Mexico

Participates in HEPAC Weekend Cultural- and Language-Immersion Program   Tucson Daily Star writer Andi Berlin recently wrote about a weekend she spent across the border as a participant in a Spanish-immersion program in Nogales, Mexico. Her recollections of the...

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State Department January 2016 Mexico Travel Warning

U.S. State Department Issues 2016 Mexico Travel Warning   The State Department issued its annual Mexico travel warning on January 19, 2016. This yearly scare bulletin serves to let American travelers know about the dangers and risks that could be present south of...

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Nogales Discount Pharmacy – Viagra, Cialis and Sildenafil

Updated March 12, 2020 Tips for choosing and purchasing ED medications in Nogales, Mexico One of the most popular classes of medications we receive questions about is erectile dysfunction drugs, namely Viagra and Cialis. These drugs are not controlled in Mexico, which...

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Do You Need a Passport to Visit Nogales, Mexico?

Does a U.S. Citizen Need a Passport to Visit Nogales?   This is one of the most common questions that we receive, and for good reason. A requirement for all U.S. citizens to have a passport or border crossing card to re-enter the United States after traveling...

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Road Construction in Downtown Nogales, Mexico

Español Cross-border vehicular traffic at DeConcini crossing NOT recommended at this time   Update: the construction has been completed, but we still recommend that you avoid the downtown Nogales DeConcini vehicular border crossing between December 15 to January...

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Amazing – A Total Smile Transformation in 45 Minutes

Español I'm not someone who is easily impressed, but I had an experience recently that just amazed me. During a recent meeting with Dr. Victor Manuel Pérez Núñez, D.D.S. in Nogales, Sonora he noticed the gap between my colleague Patty's front teeth. Frankly, it was...

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July 2015 Nogales Motorcycle Festival

The 2015 "Nogales Biker Concentration" will be held this weekend in Nogales, Sonora. Friday night will feature a street display of motorcycles, where you can stroll in a casual atmosphere along Avenida Obregon in downtown Nogales (near the international border) and...

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Nogales Drug Tunnel – Sewer Pipe Drug Smuggling

A deluge of water flooding from inside a downtown Nogales house led investigators to discover a short drug tunnel that led from the house, under the street to an international sewage line. Drug smugglers had breached the sewer line to retrieve marijuana that had been...

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Nogales, Sonora firefighters on parade
Mexico side of the Nogales Morley pedestrian crossing